If you watch TV or flip through a magazine, you are bombarded with young, beautiful people. They are good at everything, successful in every way, powerful and rich. Older men are still often there as “studs” alongside young beautiful women. Older women are seen only as proud, understanding mothers and grandmothers “by the young” or as women who show how effective various joint preparations and denture adhesives can be.
Older young women
It is not surprising that more young girls today than in the past are under the impression that a woman\’s life ends after the age of 30. The pace of their fashionable lives has “accelerated,” so to speak. In fact, they are tasked by society to get everything they can as quickly as possible while they still have time: at 12 they look like 16, at 16 they look like 25, and so on. The cycle repeats itself. The allure of youth fades too quickly; by the time they reach 30, they are already “dead” and often “caught up in the pace of the times.”
Young Old
Some women have it “backwards”. These women want to recapture what they missed out on when they were younger. Or, they are convinced that they did not. The way these women dress and behave sometimes makes me laugh, sometimes makes me cry. They always want to “mask” their real age. Sometimes modern conveniences do not produce the desired results. Cosmetics and plastic surgeons are useless. Not even a young boyfriend can save the day. Unfortunately, there are many women who still think they are ugly, fat, no one likes them, etc. It is very annoying. And they expect their partners and friends to constantly argue and reassure them. Some people enjoy that, some don\’t.
Beautiful at any age
That\’s all! Whether younger or older, women should be healthy, confident, and happy with themselves. Above all, take care to stay healthy and do what you love. This will make the job of beauty easier. Such women know what clothes are appropriate and how much makeup is necessary. When you feel good, you look beautiful at (almost) any age!