Today, wellness is no longer understood simply as saunas, Jacuzzis, hot tubs, or other similar activities offered by wellness centers. Wellness is understood today primarily as a lifestyle choice that people make.
Wellness = the harmony of body and mind that contributes to a person\’s overall well-being. Feeling tired, irritable, and bored all the time? Do you feel like life is slipping through your fingers and you don\’t know how to stop it?
Do you know why this happens?
You are busy and worried. When was the last time you spent time on yourself? Do you take care of yourself enough? Or are your responsibilities so heavy that you don\’t have time for them? Yes, responsibilities and work are very important in life. But what do you see when you look back? Work, work, and more work. Where is a little rest? There has to be a little quality time to make it memorable. Look at yourself in the mirror. What do you see? A troubled person whose hair is starting to turn gray, dark circles under your eyes, and wrinkles are getting a little deeper…
One way you live your life can prevent all of this. Take the path of wellness. It is based on four key principles: stress management, physical activity, optimal weight, and proper lifestyle. Surprisingly, once you master these four principles, you will feel much better and have more energy. You will feel energized and always in good spirits. Stress is one of our worst enemies. If we don\’t learn to fight it, it can easily consume us. And we will become exhausted and lose the will to change anything.
2. Movement is also very important.No one wants you to be a top athlete. A daily walk is enough. Being in nature also helps 1.
3. an unbalanced diet makes you heavy, gassy, and tired.A healthy diet will make you healthier.
4. all of these contribute to your optimal weight. [46] [47] If you follow all the points as they really need to be followed, you will always reach your optimal weight where you feel good.